Ubuntu and WINE
Monday, October 09, 2006
Welcome - Welcome back, thanks for joining me this week. If you are new to Fresh Ubuntu, this podcast is for people who are moving to the Ubuntu OS from Windows for the first time. More aimed towards new users of linux based operating systems but not necessarily so.
Download the new episode: Fresh Ubuntu #12
Here are the links to the news items:
1. 7 Distro's fight for one old laptop by Rick Lehrbaum
2. Canonical seeks profit from free Ubuntu By Stephen Shankland
3. Firefox Set Free in IceWeasel By Sean Michael Kerner
4. HOWTO: Install IceWeasel in Ubuntu
Main Segment: Install and configure WINE; Install Quicken 2003
a. Sudo apt-get install wine, note, it may be helpful to install 'winetools' as well from source
b. Then run winecfg by pressing alt+f2 and typing in winecfg. Here is a screenshot. Just click on the picture to enlarge it.
Visit the WINE HQ website for lots of helpfull information!
Command Line command of the week
Whereis and which
Results of whereis search using 'ssh'
harlem@freshubuntu:~$whereis ssh
ssh: /usr/bin/ssh - this is where the binary file is
/etc/ssh /usr/bin/X11/ssh - this is where the man page is
/usr/share/man/man1/ssh.1.gz - this is where the source file is
Results of which search using 'ssh'
harlem@freshubuntu:~$which ssh
/usr/bin/ssh - this is just the binary file
Remember, you might need to know this information the next time you need to customize a launcher or menu item.