Edgy Eft Release
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Download Episode 15
Well, the release of Edgy Eft has come and gone and frankly I am not happy with the results. I have not personally installed it on my computer just yet. And, I don't anticipate installing it until I hear some better news. So far I have read one report from a blog that had some troubles installing it via a dist-upgrade (the link is below), and on of my listeners has had a, how shouldI say this, "not so fun time installing on a laptop. FOR THE TIME BEING STICK WITH DAPPER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!!!
Item 1 Canonical Launches New Ubuntu Release for Desktops and Servers
Item 2 Edgy Release Notes
Item 3 More about ORCA
Item 4 Upgrade Woes
Some good new! Matt Taylor of Distrowatch.com reviewed my podcast and will plug it on his podcast either this week or next. I have a link to this podcast below.
Matt Taylor of distro watch weekly podcast
A new friend has started a blog for Ubuntu SysAdmins, check it out and show him some love!!
Ubuntu Server Admin blog - by Ted Streit
Also, Check out Peter N. Blog that might shed some light on his installation of EdgyEft.
at - http://blog.nikolaidis.com/
I enjoy your podcast and sorry I only post about errors (shred) but here is another little nit-pick. It is XFCE not XCFE (as you have noted in every reference to this most wonderful DE). I say that you spend a week in XFCE, get to know it and love it and do a podcast on XFCE. This is a very capable GTK desktop. There is a grahpical installer here, http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/xfce/xfce4-
Or, I believe ubuntu has xubuntu-desktop package or something like that.
So, a few kind words. Great podcast and excellent sound quality. I really like the command line tips. Keep up the good work.