Remedial command line
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Hello and welcome back! I now have this podcast in Ogg Vorbis format the feed for that is located at just copy the link and put it into your podcatcher
This week I did some remedial command line commands this includes
ls - list command that returns a list of the contents in the directory
mkdir - This command will allow you to make a directory
cd - This command will allow the user to move to another directory
cp - Copy command, this will copy a file from one directory to another
rm - deletes a file
mv - renames or moves a file
locate - helps find a file
Also I have a list of further resources for you to either find help or more information: this is a good site to find packages for manual download among other things, it also has links to other good things Much like, has lots of packages for download This is a great place to find out about news regarding linux in general and to find great tutorials
I also get a lot of news about Ubuntu from
Note: I will generally do a google search specifically for help on certain things rekated to ubuntu by specifically entering "ubuntu" as one of the search criteria. This usually gets me very close!!
Lastly, I like to listen to podcast with Chess Griffin
Best of luck to you and I'll be speaking with you later.
Hi Keith,
Thanks for listening to my podcast! You know at first I was a little scared as well. But, I do agree that it is useful to know these things. If you have spent any time on the Ubuntu forums many experienced users give terminal commands as solutions to various problems that new users encounter. And at first glance, it seemed a little counter-productive to me. Then I realized that using the command line was usually faster and much easier to follow . For instance, if i told you to type in sudo apt-get "whatever" versus open up the package manager of your choice then search for the package you need then mark it for installation, then apply it... blah, blah, blah. Anyways, you get my drift. Stay the course, and thanks for the comment.
I agree with harlem. Also, I'd like to point out that if commands are given rather than gui instructions, it is easier to copy the command line and paste it into a terminal. This cuts down on typing.
I would like to offer what I hope is taken as constructive criticism. In the pronunciation of gnome, the g is silent. I find it unusual that most people in the linux community mispronounce it.
thanks for the vote of confidence Steve and for the correct pronunciation:) I have heard it both ways from the linux community as well and I will try to use the correct pronunciation. It's just so fun to say it with a hard "g":)
The allegedly mythical humanoid is a gnome (sounds like Nome), but the GNU Network Object Model Environment (GNOME) is officially pronounced "guh-NEW" out of deference to GNU's Not Unix (GNU) which started the whole hard G thing. Of course we shouldn't ridicule those who skip the G ;-)
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Harlem, Thanks for the show, your timing is perfect, I just switched to Ubuntu in the last week, so Your podcasts have been right on track with my learning curve. Perhaps I'll be able to get over my "terminal phobia" if I sit down with the show and type along with you. I guess you can do most stuff with the gui but it would be good to know what's going on under the hood. Thanks again for your podcast....