KDE and a little Gnome

Monday, August 14, 2006

Here it is, the 4th episode of freshubuntu served up nice and warm for you. This week, I talk about some listener emails and comments first from Peter N at www.nikolaidis.com then from andrew who reminded us that if you haven't installed ubuntu and you would like to you should remember to change your boot sequence so that it will check your cdrom b4 booting to hard drive. Andrew also has a very nice article about ubuntu and open source that you can check out here. Lastly, to John, a very big thank you very much for voting for the podcast at podcastalley.

This week I downloaded the kubuntu desktop and was playing around with the interface and tell you all about it. enjoy the podcast and keep leaving comments and emails.

Posted by harlem at 8:57 PM  


Do you have an XML feed URL available for the Fresh Ubuntu podcast?

Anonymous said...
8:42 AM  

Yes, I think. If your are talking about the feed for the podcast it is at feeds.feedburner.com/freshubuntu ; Once there it will give you an option to subscribe to this podcast.

harlem said...
12:39 PM  

Hey, I couldn't find the email, but I wanted to let you in on a few helpful tips that I noticed you might take interest in in your last podcast. First, Ubuntu is installable (in addition to being installable through CD) just over the web direct from Windows. The URL is http://instlux.sourceforge.net/

Also, you mentioned... something else. I can't remember it now, but I'll get back to you when I do. Anyway, Instlux. It's good stuff.

- TrueVox, via truevox.net

Anonymous said...
9:53 PM  

Hi Harlem i like what your show up to now i havent missed it. Im writing to you because i want to let you now about installing RPM´s in Ubuntu you cant do it unless you have a pakage named Alien that let´s you convert does type of files into .deb files or other type of onstallaltion files.

Anonymous said...
2:20 PM  

Hi - I'm enjoying your show too! Keep up the good work. (About to try KDE!).

Anonymous said...
12:36 AM  

thanks David,

Let me know how you like it.

harlem said...
5:03 AM  

I know this is an old topic now, but I just found the podcast, and I was curious about a gnome/kde comparison.

First, I don't have any gnome vs. kde axe to grind. But I'm curious if you found kde to be snappier than gnome. I've heard it both ways any number of times, and I think it comes down to your hardware. But whenever I use a kde environment, there are none of the little lags between a click and the result that I get with gnome.

What was your experience regarding this issue? Was kde snappier than gnome for you, or vice-versa, or were they identical?

Anonymous said...
7:02 AM  

You know I actually liked KDE when I first installed it. And, yes, I did find it a little more responsive, though only slightly perceptible which could be due to the hardware. Yet, I still continue to use Gnome probably because I used it before KDE. I am thinking of installing Kubuntu soon after the release of Edgy Eft in late October, but I will also install the Ubuntu-desktop (AKA Gnome) as well. I will revisit the topic of KDE and Gnome in the near future to shed more light on the major choices.

Thanks for the comment wyth!

harlem said...
5:03 PM  

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