Installing packages on ubuntu

Monday, August 07, 2006

Hi, this week I installed some packages using the terminal window and "apt-get" command. I also went through using the default add/remove package manager and Synaptic package manager. I also have a link for instructions on how to install .deb, .rpm and, .tar files:

Here is the link for the first Ubuntu billboard and the link for the surprising news about preinstalled version of SUSE Linux (SLED 10).

Oh, and in case you couldn't follow what I was saying in the podcast here is the link for the instructions for using a DNS cache

Posted by harlem at 6:43 PM  



Great to find a podcast about Ubuntu!

I tried your instructions for installing GnuCash, but lost you about 6 minutes into the podcast when you started talking about copy/pasting right after you bring up the gedit terminal. You went rather quickly and it was unclear where you were copy/pasting from.

So... I installed GnuCash, but I have no idea where it is or how to launch it--if you could clear that up, that would be great!

Keep up your podcast, I'm looking forward to learning more about Ubuntu with you.


Unknown said...
7:12 PM  

Hi Ernest,

Here are the instructions:

1. Go to the alacart menu editor
Applications>Accessories>Alacarte Menu Editor
2. Highlight the "Office" menu heading in teh left window bar
3. Click on File>New Entry
4. In the name filed of the dialog box put in GnuCash, and int he command field put in gnucash with all lowercase letters.
5. If you want an icon you can choose one by clicking the no Icon button and a view of available icons will popup. just click on one to choose on.
6. Press OK and gnucash should show up in your Office Heading of the Applications menu

Keep spreading the word about ubuntu and thank you for subscribing.

harlem said...
8:48 PM  

Thank you much, Harlem. That worked perfectly--and I learned something new!

Unknown said...
1:58 PM  

Hi Harlem,

Excellent podcast.

I have been using Linux since Redhat 5.1; I then migrated to Mandrake, then Mandriva, and now Ubuntu. I think Ubuntu is the best distro ever. It installed in 30 minutes on my Athlon 1800XP with an antique TNT2 card, and it works flawlessly, with little tinkering.

A little story:

I introduced a friend to Linux. With my help, he installed Mandriva, then Fedora, but always had trouble because he is an inveterate tinkerer, always fooling around with config files. He was always re-installing for one reason or another. I gave him a copy of Ubuntu 6.06, and he is wild about it, with one problem--HE CAN'T BREAK IT! lol!!!

Looking forward to more FreshUbuntu podcasts--

10:39 AM  

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