Wednesday, March 28, 2007
You can download the podcast here.
Ubuntu has released the Beta version of Fesity Fawn as they go into the beta freeze mode! I must say this is a much anticipated release for me as there are many exciting changes and additions to this version of Ubuntu. From restiricted formats to 3d desktops to well I'll let you listen to the podcast.
Here is the link to the Feisty Beta iso: Ubuntu 7.04 Beta
I also introduce the 1st iteration of TipShack. Click this link. Or just visit the navigation bar at the top of the page and click on "TipShack 1st Iteration" (but you'll have to go to first). This page will explain what it is all about. I am really excited about this site as this will be a tremendous help to new users and those seeking solutions to their current issues with Ubuntu. Plus, it will give some much needed traffic to sites that put out great content, tutorials and howtos. Join in the fun and help out by submitting content (either your own or someone elses, it matters not) and voting on the content that has either helped you or is interesting.
Oh and by the way, if you want to listen to the podcast without having to download it just click on the "read more" link at the bottom of the post on the website and you can listen to it there!! Enjoy the podcast!
Pimp Your Panel
Monday, March 12, 2007
This week I go through how to pimp up your panel with some system bling that will really knock your socks off! Yes, I know what you are thinking, "he actually said pimp, bling, and 'knock your socks off' in the same sentence!". So, as the shock wears off and as I try and hold my composure together, have a listen to episode 29 to get the downlow. Here is a picture of my panel, foshizzle! Somebody stop me.
Here is a link to the a blog post by Peter Nikolaidis about his beta test of Feisty Fawn Herd 5. Things look like they are progressing rather nicely on the development side of things with lots of updates. So I must reiterate here that I am looking forward to the release come April.
Perusing Digg earlier last week I saw this most amazing post on a portable media player that is a linux users dream. It is called the Vibez and it looks beautiful. If you haven't already seen it I've posted a picture that I ripped straight from their website. You can get one through, I wish I knew my affiliate number but I seem to have misplaced it, bummer.
And lastly, The command line command of the week was - SED, aka, stream editor. Here are a couple of links that goes over it a little better than the podcast, hey nobody's perfect. The command looks to be a useful tool if you write or code a lot and also make a lot of mistakes that need to be edited. Sounds like someone I know, hmmm...Can't think of his name right now but, oh well, it'll come to me later.
Enjoy the podcast, maybe have a few drinks before to help ease the pain. Talk to you later.
Ubuntu Tips Often Overlooked
Monday, March 05, 2007
I received an email recently that brought me back to reality and was the entire reason why I started the podcast. So, before I get entirely off track I thought I would devote the main segment of the podcast to going back to basics. I do this because the podcast can potentially get new listeners every six or so months, mostly due to the Ubuntu release cycles. And, I think that is good for the podcast, but, not so good for new listeners who just come on board. Now, I realize that it is just as easy to go back and get prior episodes but who has the time? So, with that in mind you can download episode 28 at this link.
Here are the links to the news items mentioned in the podcast.
Ubuntu Chooses Not to Enable 3D Desktop By Default
Feisty Fawn Herd 5 Released
Ubuntu Live In My Backyard!!
For the package of the week, I chose gPodder. Yet another podcatcher, but this is really simple and elegant. It is also in current development, and licensed under GPL. Like I said in the podcast, "Liferea makes for a great feed reader and also handles podcasts nicely. But, gPodder is a great alternative for downloading all those podcasts that you listen to. the link is here.
Oh, and before I forget, here is a good tutorial for installing packages from source and a few nice ubuntu tips.
If you are looking for a good review of Feisty Fawn Herd 3 you can find it on Peter Nikolaidis' blog.
Well, that about does it for links. I hope I didn't miss any. Just let me know otherwise and I will provide them for you. Just one more link to add and that is form ZIM whose song I played at the end of the podcast call 'Misnomer'. A deeply melodic and engaging tune that I hope you'll all like. Here is the link to his page.
Music for the podcast was provided by the IODA PROMONET.
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